目前分類:FE的一切 (2)

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FE Summr boot camp 第一天上課,我起了個大早,算準了時間出門。其實雖然預留了蠻多的時間,還是很怕遲到,你知道的,紐約地鐵的服務品質是世界倒數第一名。



原本我們的課是早上9點開始,今天因為是第一天,他們舉辦了一個Kick off breakfast,所以希望我們能夠提早到8:45就抵達教室。

我們這11天上課的地方叫做Pfizer Auditorium,他是一個大講堂,裡面有冷到要人命的冷氣,還有坐起來質感普普通通的座椅,以及小不啦嘰的桌子。

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Today is the very first class for the summer boot camp in NYU Tandon MFE Program. I wanna share you some personal thoughts about today's topics, and also some WTF moments.

Master of Financial Engineering, the top master degree in NYU Tandon School of Engineering, made all the admitted students an exclusively designed syllabus. As a result, we all have to go to school on August 6, which is the earliest among all the programs in Tandon... Moreover, nobody else in NYU has this kind of online summer boot camp.

So what can I say? Wonderful arrangement for incoming students? Probably yes. But the details about the course contents...

今天晚上八點,我打開筆電,連上一個叫做 Zoom 的視訊討論平台,跟其他70多個來自世界各地的MFE新生一起上課。


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